Scheduled Events
2024 Calendar
Dues: $20/year (payable to Sharon Rubelman, treasurer)
May 20, Monday - 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Yearly Planting of Annuals at the Monet Garden. Come and
help for an hour or three hours! Help is needed and appreciated. A very short meeting will be held at
about 6:00 PM.
June 17, Monday – 10:00 AM Mellema Nursery, 5428 W. 64 th St., Fremont Join LGM for a visit to
one of our favorite places. See new perennials, flowering trees, and a wonderful garden shop. Pizza
will be served for lunch along with a tour of the nursery. Free to members.
July 15, Monday – 6:00 PM 2West Greenhouses-Rebecca Marchiando will advise us of new ideas
and products to help keep rabbits and deer out of the yard.
August 19, Monday – 6:00 PM Wildflower Garden Visitation-located in northern Muskegon
County, The Woven Trifecta (Samantha) will provide a tour of her gardens at their peak and a farm to
table luncheon.
September 16, Monday - 6:00 PM Nelson Neighborhood group visit-location TBD
October 21, Monday - 6:00 PM-meeting Muskegon County Museum-planning for the 2025 LGM
year-Time TBD
***There is also on-going planning for a special guest speaker as a fundraiser for LGM. There will be
more information as information becomes finalized.
LGM members accepting
Community Landscape
Award for the Monet
Garden of Muskegon
from the Michigan
Landscapers Association.